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Ke la vida es sueño, y los sueños, sólo sueños son
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Imagine a man being told he can rub his penis inside a woman's vagina as foreplay, but when it's time for his orgasm, she must be sitting in his face penetrating his mouth with her clitoris. This will give him a "mature oral orgasm". He must not reach down and touch his penis while she's fucking him in the mouth or she'll think her clitoris isn't big enough to provide his orgasm. To protect her female ego, he ends up faking orgasm, but he figures it's worth it to keep the peace. Later on he can masturbate in the bathroom, or if she's a sound sleeper, he can finish himself off in bed providing he can come while holding his breath and not moving so as not to wake her.

Nota de EL traductor: Just out of the blue, as it comes, sarcasm can be a such a masterful way of showing, describing, depicting how we are feeling, how we want (wish) to be treated, what we want to receive but somehow I am not heard nor noticed, me and my obsidian needs...


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