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The Hunt for Gollum

The Hunt for Gollum is an unauthorized 45-minute fan-film set in the Lord of the Rings universe, set to premiere at the Sci-Fi London film festival. It's the second film from indie director Chris Bouchard, whose previous effort was a low-budg zombie flick called "Human Residue," and he appears to have leveraged his success with that feature, recruiting an immensely talented group of effects wizards, sculptors and artists (it's impossible to say much about the acting and writing based on the trailers, but I hope they're on par!). The whole thing is being produced for £3000 -- but it looks like a million. The story was inspired by an appendix to Lord of the Rings, in which Tolkien explains "what Aragorn and Gollum got up to before the trilogy began."

En cristiano, The Hunt fro Gollum, es un corto de 45 minutos hecho por fans que se basaron en un apéndice del El Señor de los Anillos que muestra la conexión entre Gollum y Aragorn antes de que sucedan los hechos que narra la trilogia, fue realizado -aunque no lo crean- con sólo 3000 libras y puede verse gratis on-line con subtitulos en español. Enjoy!

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